The eCLOUD sculpture at the San Jose International Airport is inspired by real-time weather in cities around the world. If it is raining in one city, the patterns on the polycarbonate tiles will make the sculpture look like it is raining. If it is windy elsewhere, the patterns will look like they are blowing at the speed and in the direction the wind is blowing in that city. The cloud switches to a new city every 20 seconds.
Brazilian dance group Corpo plays the ballet "Bach", based on music of J. S. Bach, adapted by Marco Antonio Guimaraes, and choreography by Rodrigo Pederneiras.
Photo by Jennifer Jesse, submitted to the 2011 National Geographic Photography Contest and available for download as wallpaper
Horário: terça a domingo e feriados, de 12:00hs às 22:00hs
Local:Palacete Linneo de Paula Machado, Rua São Clemente, 213 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro - RJ