Coldplay - Major Minus
George Franklin Smallwood & Marshmellow Band - Funk By The Pound
Tiken Jah Fakoly - Ouvrez Les Frontieres
Trentemoller - Miss You
Doug Hream Blunt - Gentle Persuasion
Chadwick Stokes - Coffee and Wine
Ivan Smirnov Group - The Land Where The Sun Sleeps
Dominique Rivière - Talijanska
The Chantays - Pipeline
Urbano Medeiros - Carimbó da Paz
Sá, Rodrix & Guarabyra - Sobradinho
Shareholder Tom - Wanna Dance
Emilio Santiago - Bananeira
Di Melo - A Vida em seus métodos diz calma
Boozoo Bajou feat. Wayne Martin - Camioux
Ben Onono - Tatouage Blue
Long-ge - Playing Mahjong
Los Kjarkas - Wayayay
Yo la tengo - Autumn Sweater
Vaznis - Humility
PJ Harvey - White Chalk
Ami Whinehouse - You Know I'm No Good
Paulo Diniz - Um Chope Pra Distrair
Fistful Of Mercy - Fistful Of Mercy
Gary Jules - Mad World
Kroke - Usual Happiness
James - Waltzing Along
to play it all
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
...Web Gallery of Art
Editors present the site as a virtual museum and searchable database of European painting and sculpture from 11th to mid-19th centuries...The collection has some of the characteristics of a virtual museum. The experience of visitors is enhanced by guided tours helping to understand the artistic and historical relationship between different works and artists...
It is amazing. And very well organized too. I'm actually doing the Tour #2 Overview of Sculptors from 1200 to 1800, which is full of enchantment. Highly recommend it.
Web Gallery of Art
...Free Internet Radio Stations
Besides and YouTube, that are huge communities of music lovers, these are the sites I go for listening music, lately. I do love Radio Paradise and AccuRadio.
Friday, July 29, 2011
This is such a great software! It's small, fast, free, with many tools, and works perfect. I use it a lot, specially for resizing files in group, all at once, with just few clicks. Here go my thanks to the author, Irfan Skiljan.
...Lace stenciled floor
very beautiful, isn't it? It's painted with stencils on concrete floor. I have found it on Design Sponge, with references to Royal Design Studio.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
...Paper Clay
paper clay is a mix of paper and ceramics, with some advantages: it's lighter than ceramics, but at the same time, stronger. It's said to be easy to work on it, and can be made at home, with nice results.
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these beautiful works are from Cynthia Gavião. You can see more on
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
...Marshall McLuhan
2011 would be Marshall McLuhan's 100th birthday. Ahead of his time, he would anticipate a lot about the way we live today. We can watch he speaking and explaining his ideas in this site Marshall Mcluhan Speaks - Centennial 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
...Carlos Drummond de Andrade
site muito bacana, onde se pode, inclusive, ouvir poesias na voz do próprio Drummond
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
I have seen it several days ago, but it's still in my mind...maybe not only cause it is a beautiful movie, but also for the way this south korean movie, directed by Chang-dong Lee, presents drama and characters in their full complexity, without colourful moral underlines or heroes, something very close to real human condition: devastation can't be avoided, searching for a lyrical dimension in life neither.
...3D Virtual Tours Around the World
AirPano is a noncommercial project focused on high resolution 3D aerial panoramas. Watching them is like flying over the places by helicopter. Lots of delightful tours to enjoy in their site.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
...Friends Day
hugs and much love to my friends, with special kisses for these two sweet ladies, my best friends ever.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
WOW! amazing free software, that lets you to travel throughout the space, even beyond our galaxy. I was running it till few minutes ago, and I'm still very impressed. After installing it, you may click on help button and select "run the demonstration", for a start., July 18, 2011
...Happy Birthday, Mandela!
and here a clip of "Invictus", great movie directed by Clint Eastwood and inspired on President Mandela determination to unify his country, through forgiveness and reconciliation. The movie's tittle was inspired in the poem by William Ernest Henley that Mandela has kept with him, written on a scrap of paper, during the long time he has been in prison.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
...Project Gutenberg
A great project, with over 36,000 high quality free e-books to download, with titles available in many different languages. Also, more than 100,000 available through partners, affiliates and resources. No fee or registration is required, but if we wish to help the project, there are ways for doing that, as digitizing, reporting any errors, etc.
...The Mighty
Maybe i would have never seen The Mighty if it was not my friend Chris recommendation. As he says in his review on BC's Movie and Television Blog, the Mighty never really got the spotlight it deserved. I super recommend it too.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Excellent program, with a free version, that includes dictionary, definitions, synonyms and pronunciations. Works off-line too.
Monday, July 11, 2011
...Candido Portinari
War and Peace, Portinari's panels for the United Nations building in New York, have been brought to Rio for restoration and will be in tour world around till 2013, when they will be returned to UN. We can follow all the Portinari Project in a very beautiful site created by caos! design.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
...Roland Petit
Asami Maki Ballet Tokio, performing Roland Petit choreography Pink Floyd Ballet, in Tokio, 2004.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
...South Sudan
and there It is! the newborn country South Sudan! my sympathy and congratulations for all people living there, specially for those who made this dream come true.
Friday, July 8, 2011
...Synthetic Transplant Surgery
Surgeons in Sweden have carried out the world's first synthetic organ transplant.
...the technique does not need a donor, and there is no risk of the organ being rejected.
...the technique does not need a donor, and there is no risk of the organ being rejected.
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